We absolutely LOVE using visuals for all ages!
Visuals can help children understand routines, expectations, and concepts more easily, and can provide a way for children to communicate their needs and wants even if they are not yet using words.
Here are some ways that visuals can be helpful for children:
1. Understanding routines: Visual schedules or picture schedules can help children understand the sequence of events that occur throughout the day. By using pictures or symbols to represent each activity, children can anticipate what comes next and feel more in control of their day.
2. Communicating needs: Visuals can be used to help children communicate their needs and wants. For example, a child might use a picture of a cup to indicate that they are thirsty, or a picture of a toy to indicate that they want to play.
3. Learning concepts: Visuals can help children learn concepts such as colors, shapes, and numbers. For example, a child might match pictures of objects to the correct color or shape, or count objects using pictures.
4. Providing structure: Visuals can provide structure and consistency, which can be very reassuring for children. For example, a visual schedule can help a child understand what is expected of them during a particular activity, such as story time or snack time.
Overall, using visuals can be a helpful tool for parents and caregivers to support children who are not yet using language. There are many different types of visuals that can be used, including pictures, symbols, and charts. It's important to choose visuals that are age-appropriate and meaningful for the child, and to use them consistently to help establish routines and expectations.