Comprehensive Assessments
Accurate Evaluation for Speech and Language
Hello Speech Developmental Services specializes in providing speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, as well as family coaching to increase overall engagement and learning using a behavioural approach. Children with autism often experience a variety of communication and participation challenges, which can impact the way they interact with family, peers, as well as how they interact with their environments.
We provide diagnostic services for children requiring an assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Developmental Delays. The assessment is carried out by a multidisciplinary team with a Physician and a Speech-Language Pathologist. A diagnostic report can be sent to the family and referring doctor within 3 days following the assessment.
Making the experience as comfortable and natural as possible for the child, our clinicians conduct therapy sessions, diagnostic assessments in your home and virtually. The Speech-Language and Occupational Therapy clinicians bring all of the necessary teaching materials to conduct their sessions effectively within this environment. At the end of each session, parents are provided with feedback as well as homework to continue working on their child’s goals.
Physician Referral
Please send a referral from your office or complete our form below and fax to (437) 317-9836 or email to info@hellospeechgta.com