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Smooth Transitions from Summer to School for Kids

Writer's picture: Hello Speech GTAHello Speech GTA

Summer is a time for being outside, exploring, playing, and having fun, which can make the transition back to school hard. It’s a big adjustment for children physically, mentally, and emotionally. Below are a few suggestions to help children with the transition from summer vacation into a happy and enjoyable school year. 


Enjoy Your Summer! 


Summer is meant to be spent outside, playing, and exploring. Be sure to enjoy those moments with your children. Find a special park, walk the neighbourhood, or play in the sprinkler. These are great ways to create memories that last a lifetime. 


Adjust Your Sleep Schedule 


Over the summer, your child’s bedtime may be later than over the school year. As you get closer to the first day of school, try putting your child to sleep 10 or 15 minutes earlier each night. This gradual adjustment ensures they are getting optimal rest time by the start of school. If needed, chat with your pediatrician about appropriate sleep times for your child. A good night of sleep reaps big benefits for your child during the school day. 


Read Each Day 


Reading is a fundamental skill that will greatly benefit your child throughout their education. Read out loud to your child or, depending on their age, have your child read to you, a pet, a sibling, or even their favorite stuffed animal. Encourage your child to share what they read to develop comprehension skills. Visit the public library as part of your weekly summertime routine. Make reading fun and enjoyable school by building it into your child’s routine. 


Math is Important, Too 


Reinforce math skills in everyday activities. Use meal prep to teach measurement, count the number of steps to your mailbox, or add up the number of water balloons you can throw. You can also practice simple math facts using an app, online program, or printouts. Building basic math skills and number recognition creates a solid foundation for success in the classroom. 


Visit the School 


Familiarizing your child with their school environment can ease first-day jitters. Check the school website, drive around the school the next time you run an errand, play on the playground, peek in a window, or even schedule an appointment to visit if you can. The fewer surprises there are on day one, the better! These are positive ways to ease your child into a smooth start to the school year. 


Check Schedules 


Fall can bring a return to busy schedules—music practices, sports, dance, school, and more. Create a plan with your child to set expectations for when schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and family fun will take place. Be mindful of overscheduling your child with activities that take away from the joy and fun of the program. Everything in moderation. 


Speak Positively About School 


A new year, a new teacher, and new classmates can prompt many questions from children. As adults, we can also get anxious about school. Our phone conversations, dinner table concerns, and backyard chats are often overheard by children so do your best to include the good parts about going back to school. Set your child up for success to welcome new friends and be ready for school with a positive outlook and growth mindset.  


Begin the Transition Early 


One of the toughest parts of back-to-school season is trading in the light, lazy days of summer for a school-year schedule. With school comes stricter wake-up times and packed schedules — not to mention a whole host of new rules, obligations, and expectations to juggle. Such a big change can be jarring for kids and parents. Thankfully, there are a few things caregivers can do to make the transition smooth for everyone. School is probably the last thing you want to think about in July, but going from summer mode to school mode takes time. Begin the transition process a few weeks before school starts, by making small changes that to avoid a shock to the system. 


Talk About It 


The first step to transitioning from summer to school is to talk about it. Discuss the upcoming changes with your child, addressing any concerns or questions they might have. By opening a dialogue, you can help ease the emotions associated with change and build excitement for the new school year. 




With these tips and strategies, you can make the transition from summer to school smoothly. Creating a structured routine, fostering positive communication, and engaging in educational activities will set the stage for a successful and enjoyable school year. Embrace the change with confidence and watch your child thrive in their new environment. 


At Hello Speech, we’re dedicated to supporting your child’s communication development. If you need more personalized guidance or resources to help your child transition smoothly, don't hesitate to reach out to our team. Together, we can make this school year the best one yet! 


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